Uncle! How can you not provide me with your land? It is your matrilineal duty to allow me to take the hut!
I assume I can move in to your village by next month, is this true? Uncle?
I'm sorry Yaurab, I cannot afford to give away my hut,. I've had to give up my other hut to pay for my bride wealth.
He was despaired by his divorce and fell in from heartbreak! His wife Ashna didn't pick enough yams!
I cannot believe Uncle would trick me like this. I'm no fool! We've made negotiations and he lied. I have to talk to Chief.
Brother, I am not able to be bought... But I will take four banana-bundles and ten yams, no less. This is not to be discussed with anyone else in the village. I will take care of it...
I feel betrayed! Fooled! How could Uncle break tradition. What do you say? Is there anything I can do for your wisdom?
Moments later, Yaurab's uncle mysteriously disappears near the scorching hot well of the island volcano...
Did you hear? A man disappeared! He was near the volcano and was never found again!
I heard it was Nwami! Her cousin pushed him in because he stole his pig!
Oh what a poor soul. How he greatly served our lineage. Him and his yam garden proved to be one of the most successful. We hope and pray for the return of his noble spirit.
(Dramatic wailing; cries of despair) How could this happen!? He was so young!