We can cure it with Penicillin like most people do. It would take around 2 weeks, but after it you will amazing and the pain you are feeling right now will be long gone
How can I cure it?
You can make them wash their hands frequently and it is preferable if you do not see anyone until you are cured, but if you make sure you rwound is fully covered and do not share any personal items
How can I prevent this from coming to my family or friends?
There is way! Follow me!
I only wish there was a way to decrease the chance of letting this become an outbreak
Hello, what've you got for us!
Hello, My name is Elizabeth and she is Grace. We would like to inform you about a diseaase called Staphyloccus.
Ok, what are the precautions?
As you may know, Staphyloccocus is a skin infection that is not pleasant to deal with and is deadly if not treated correctly. Therefore there are some precautions yo ushould take to make sure this doesn't become and outbreak.
Staphylococcus has many ways to spread and even more ways to be prevented. You can start by just washing your hands thoroughly. You can also keep your items to yourself. Another way is to keep wounds covered. Washing your clothes and bedding in hot water is also necessary.