We will only eat vegetable's and water for ten days and we would be healthier and stronger then the royals
ok prove me wrong
Danel and his friends are healthier and stronger then the royals
We were right we are fitter then the royals
But why
I shall let you continue having vegetable's and water
Daniel and his friend become part of the royal court
Daniel and Mishael i am now allowing you to be members in court
At the time Babylonia attacked Jerusalem and took many jews prisoners and four people, in particular, was daniel and his friends Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah and it was a Jewish law that they couldn't eat pork
The king has a dream about his kingdom
Babylon will fail
After ten days Daniel and his friends were stronger than the royals
Daneil explains the dream to the king
i had this dream it was about Babylon failing
three years later Daniel and his friends are part of the royal court
The king goes crazy
The dream was about failing because the Persian empire attacked Jerusalem
The king told the dream to Daniel and daniel interpreted and said Babylon will fall and if he does not believe in god his kingdom will fall
Babylon will fail if you don't believe in god and you will go crazy
The king goes crazy because he didn't belive in god