Final storyboard (Romeo & Juliet)

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Final storyboard (Romeo & Juliet)
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Öykü Penceresi Metni

  • Romeo Falls in love with Juliet , So he decides to climb her wall to see her secretly
  • Juliet also likes Romeo knowing he is a Montanuge.  Romeo scares Juliet, as Juliet did not expect him there.
  • Juliet is talking to Romeo about how she wishes he would have any other name besides a Montanuge, Romeo on the otherhand would change his name for Juliet
  • The exchange of thy loves. Faithful vow farmer
  • Romeo decides to have the courage to confess to Juliet that he would like to be married to her. 
  • Juliet says yes as they plan to get married the next day. 
  • Friar Lawarence marries them the following day
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu