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Digestive System

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Digestive System
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  • Hi! I'm Al the Apple and I'm going on a journey through the digestive system!First we enter the mouth, where the teeth begin mechanical digestion.
  • The bolus then travels down a long, skinny tube called the esophagus. The esophagus's muscular walls squeeze the bolus down to the stomach, our next destination.
  • Once in the stomach, hormones tell the stomach walls to release acid that breaks down the bolus into a liquid called chyme. The hormones also alert the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas to start creating bile.
  • From there, I enter the small intestine. The liver sends bile to the gallbladder, which holds it until I arrive. Tiny projections called villi absorb my molecules and the leftover fiber, water, and dead cells enter the large intestine.
  • Then, I go through the large intestine, or the colon. The colon drains out most of the fluid through the intestinal walls. This leaves a soft mass called stool.
  • The large intestine deposits me in a small pouch where I am held until I leave the body through the anus. And this long journey through the digestive system, which takes about 30-40 hrs, finally ends.
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu