Ferdinand Magellan's journey

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Ferdinand Magellan's journey
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  • Early in 1516, Ferdinand Magellan wanted to explore a faster route to the Spice Islands. At the time, spices were highly valued and at the center of the world's economy.
  • I am on my way to see King Manuel I and Queen Maria of Portugal to see if they would support my next expedition.
  • From previous expeditions, King Manuel I was not a big supporter of Magellan.
  • Your majesty, I was hoping you would lend me the supplies to make a trip to see if I could find a western sea route to the Spice Islands?
  • Absolutely not!
  • Magellan did not fulfill his wish of exploring under the Portugal flag. In the 15th century, Spain had been financing several different explorations.
  • SLAM
  • I am disappointed that they rejected me. I will try Spain next then.
  • In October 1517, Magellan arrived in Seville, Spain. Within the year he got married and a year later had his first son, Rodrigo. From connections through his wife's family, he soon had an appointment to meet the king of Spain.
  • Hopefully I'll have better luck here in Spain!
  • Your Majesty, will you support my exploration to find the quickest western sea route to the Spice Islands? I promise this voyage could bring great wealth and riches to the country of Spain.
  • Um... of course. What king doesn't like money?
  • At just 18 years old, King Charles I granted his support to Magellan. He was the grandson of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella who funded Columbus' expedition.
  • On March 22nd, 1519, King Charles approved Magellan's voyage. Magellan would now spend the next five months getting his ships and crew members ready for the voyage.
  • I am so excited for the trip that I have always been waiting for!
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu