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Unknown Story

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Unknown Story
Storyboard That

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Öykü Penceresi Metni

  • She is a woman hanging from the 13th from window thinking that dropping herself will set her free from life.
  • She thinks about her children. Margaret, Carlos, and jimmy who is her oldest child.
  • She is the child of her parents, and she is several places between her two husbands.
  • While hanging she thinks of Michigan which to her looks like is a dizzy hole of water and the rich live in tall glass houses at the edge of it.
  • Sometimes she hears her grandmothers voice, cats meowing, and the sound men telling her to get up, get up
  • She thinks about letting go of the ledge of the 13th floor, or about climbing back up to regain herself.
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu