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Trojan War

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Trojan War
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  • The trojan war was a war that foughtbetween the Mycenaeans and the people of Troy, a city in Asia Minor.
  • Legends say the war began when a prince of Troy, fell in love with Helen. She was the wife of a Mycenaean king. Paris kidnapped Helen and took her back to Troy.
  • Noooo!!
  • HAHAHAHAHA! You're mine now!!
  • For ten years, a Mycenaean army tried to capture Troy and free Helen. But Troy did not fall.
  • Retreat, they're too strong!!!
  • Then, the Mycenaeans tricked the Trojans with the help of Odysseus. They left a huge wooden horse outside the walls of Troy. Mycenaean soldiers were hidden inside the horse and the Trojans believed that it was a gift.
  • Alas, the mycenaeans have surrendered. They even sent us a gift for our victory. We shall feast tonight.
  • Yay!!
  • They brought it inside thecity walls. While the Trojans slept, the Mycenaean soldiers climbed out of the horse and opened the citygates.
  • Come my people. Let us have revenge!!!!
  • The Mycenaean army then marched into Troy and captured the city
  • Thank's for rescuing me.
  • I can't believe this. You have bested us!
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu