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battle of gettsyburg

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battle of gettsyburg
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  • Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
  • Not this time!
  • After Robert E Lee and his soldiers won the battle of Chancellorsville on May 12th, 1863, he was very confident in his self and his army. He decided to go charge at the Northern states, towards Gettysburg. This was known as the Gettysburg Campain.
  • They marched and marched, past Virginia, and finally arriving at Gettysburg in Pennsylvania.
  • Soon, General Lee's army was at Gettsyburg, but they weren't going to get the victory as easy as last time in Chancellorsville. The union army, commanded by General George G. Meade, was prepared for battle at the crossroads town.
  • Battle of Gettysburg
  • The battle of Gettysburg was one of the most deadly and important wars. It helped change the civil war and help the union win.
  • WE WIN!!!!!!!
  • The fighting began on that day, and there were intense amounts of fighting. The second day was even more intense and was filled with even more fighting.
  • On the second day of fighting on July 3rd, Lee lead his army to attack the enemy's center at Cemetary Ridge. Lee's army had less than 15000 soldiers, and it was difficult. Thousands of soldiers died, and Lee was forced to surrender and retreat back into Virginia. General George G. Meade and his army won
  • Union Wins!
  • This victory was a huge turning point during the civil war, and it helped the union win the civil war. This war is probably the most famous war in the civil battle because Lincoln gave the Gettsyburg address after, in which he remembered all of the union soldiers who lost their lives. In total 51,000 soldiers died and was the bloodiest war in the civil war.
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu