english assignment

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english assignment
Storyboard That

Kendi Storyboard'unuzu oluşturun

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Kendi Storyboard'unuzu oluşturun

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Öykü Penceresi Metni

  • 2 kids were playing a board game and it was a very close ending
  • long shot
  • one of the kids only needed a 1 to win the game and it was about to be a victory...
  • High angle shot
  • high angle over the shoulder shot
  • I just need a 1 to win the game!
  • but when he won the game, the board game blew up and flew them into the sky.
  • long shot
  • they flew high up in the sky
  • tilted shot
  • They then landed into the neighbour's house through the window
  • she was very confused at this time
  • How did You guys get here!?!?
  • Mid Shot
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu