Comic storyboard

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Comic storyboard
Storyboard That

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Kendi Storyboard'unuzu oluşturun

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Öykü Penceresi Metni

  • "No you will have a grandson that will kill you"
  • "Will I have anymore children"
  • "You are going to stay here because I do not want your child to kill me"
  • "Please Father I beg of you to let me out"
  • "Get Us out Father"
  • "I can't let you out I don't want to die"
  • King Acrisios is told by the oracle he will be killed by his grandson.
  • "Yes I'm Fine"
  • "Are you OK?"
  • "I am Perseus"
  • Acrisios imprisons his daughter in the basement so she will not have a child.
  • "Go search for Medusa and kill her."
  • The King puts his daughter in a chest sent out to sea to drown & starve to death.
  • "Oh no I am truly sorry grandfather"
  • "Nooo why did you do this?"
  • Danae is rescued and Perseus grows up on Seriphus.
  • Perseus is sent to find and kill Medusa.
  • "I will start as soon as I can."
  • Perseus accidently kills his grandfather at the games and destiny comes true.
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu