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Chapter 32: Ancient Rome

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Chapter 32: Ancient Rome
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Öykü Penceresi Metni

  • 32.3 Etruscan Engineering
  • 32.4 Etruscan Sporting Events
  • 32.5 Greek Architecture
  • An important structure the Romans adapted was the arch. The arch sat on two pillars. The center keystone held the rest of the stones tightly.
  • 32.6 Greek Writing
  • Slave fighting was an event the Romans adapted. Slaves fought to the death with swords and small shields.
  • 32.7 Greek Art
  • Romans made their buildings based on Greek designs. They learned how to make their buildings out of concrete. Over time, they built larger buildings.
  • 32.8 Greek Religion
  • The Roman carved important documents on plaques that were displayed to the public. They also carved on columns for everyone to see.
  • Pottery was a valuable art because of its beauty and usefulness. They were used as vessels to carry items such as food, water, and wine. The pottery's designs showed gods and heroes.
  • Romans had their own gods and rituals, but their religion changed when they came in contact with other religions. When coming across a god similar to their own, the Romans mixed the gods' characteristics with their own.
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu