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Roles and Responsibilities

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Roles and Responsibilities
Storyboard That

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Kendi Storyboard'unuzu oluşturun

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Öykü Penceresi Metni

  • Hello! My name is Leandro Williams. A role is a part that someone plays and being responsible is taking care of the things you are in charge of. Everyone has roles and responsibilities. I have roles and responsibilities as a student.
  • I am responsible for being early for school.
  • RING!!!
  • I am responsible for participating in class and completing my school work.
  • I am responsible for listening to what my teacher says and not distracting others.
  • I am responsible for obeying the rules of the school.
  • I am responsible for keeping my desk tidy and my surroundings clean.
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu