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Unknown Story

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Unknown Story
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  • Hello there! My name is Henry Clay, and I am going to be explaining to you my American system!
  • To start you off, I had to argue tariffs would promote American manufacturing and revenue raised could be used to fund internal improvements
  • Next, I wanted people to have good banks.
  • A national bank, the 2nd bank of the U.S. would keep the system running smoothly by providing a national currency!
  • Therefor, I envisioned a national transportation system of federally funded roads and canals.
  • I then wanted to make transportation easier for my fellow people.
  • I thought this would promote growth in the South and West.
  • I am a member of Monroe's cabinet. My name is John Quincy Adams.
  • I had an opposition to South American but my good friends John C Calhoun and John Quincy Adams helped.
  • My biggest effects were knitting the country together economically and politically, highlighted nationalism...
  • I also created the Erie canal and Cumberland road.
  • I am the one and only Monroe.
  • This was called the "Self defense doctrine".
  • I was re elected into office and had warned Europe not to colonize or intervene in the Western Hemisphere.
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu