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Öykü Penceresi Metni

  • If you are going to drive in the UK, forget that you must drive on the left
  • It is the custom of having tea at five o´clock, it is done every day
  • What is a five o´clock tea ???
  • Great, in Colombia that is not done, there we have coffee
  • It´s very rude to be late anywhere
  • Sorry, I fell asleep
  • How strange, in Colombia we have a pig as president
  • This is the queen´s house 
  • hahahahaha
  • This is a pubs, this is where we come to have beer and have a good time
  • In Colombia we have something similar, we call it a bar 
  • Yes, it was a lot of fun learning your customs
  • Ther tour was very tun, we have different customs
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu