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The Story of Odysseus & Polyphemus

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The Story of Odysseus & Polyphemus
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  • Odysseus and his men wander to a nearby cave, searching for the cyclops they saw earlier. 
  • Odysseus and his men go to entrance of the cave and walk in. 
  • As they reach the end of the cave, they find him, Polyphemus, a cyclops, who is also the son of Poseiden.
  • After they exchange looks, Polyphemus says, " Who are you?" " What are you doing in my home?"
  • Polyphemus then grabs one of Odysseus's men and tears him to pieces, throwing him on the ground, then eating him.
  • They run to the entrance to see that it has been sealed shut by a big boulder.
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu