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The Gunpowder Plot (HISTORY)

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The Gunpowder Plot (HISTORY)
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  • The Plotting PlanTo rent a cellar under parliament store gunpowder and give them a terrible blow to kill the King and get a new monarch on the throne
  • they shall receive a terrible blow this Parliament.....
  • I must alert the King!!!
  • In Spring 1605, Thomas Percy, one of the plotters rented a cellar directly under Parliament and he and the gang filled it with barrels of gunpowder. This is the moment when they knew that the King was going to die and a new monarch would be crowned.
  • A Group of Catholics decided that if King James were dead, another monarch may be more favorable to them. So they hatched a plot to kill him. There aim was to kill James I and get someone else on the throne because they knew that Catholics are rightful people in England.
  • Seize Him!!
  • In October 1605 a letter arrived at the house of Lord Monteagle. It contained a warning about the plot against the King. He immediately advised the King. One of the plotters uncle were supposed to be there on the day of the explosion and didn't want him to be killed so he warned him but then he sent it to the King.
  • In 1605 King James I passed new laws against Catholics and they were ordered to adhere to them or leave England! He said that, "CATHOLICS AREN'T WELCOME HERE!" So some people were against the King form that time on.
  • Guy Fawkes is caught red handed in the cellar (that had been rented underneath Parliament), exactly when he was about to set the Gunpowder alight and arrested. After several days of torture he reveals all about the plot, including all the other plotters names. This is when the King receives the letter and knows that someone is hiding something and goes and looks in the cellar and finds Guido Fawkes and gets the tortured terribly.
  • The gang were tracked down and the ones who were not shot at the scene, were publicly hung, drawn and quartered, ,including Guy Fawkes. Then their corpses were cut into pieces and put on display around the country.
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu