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cyber bullying

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cyber bullying
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Öykü Penceresi Metni

  • What is Cyber bullying?
  • introduction
  • Today our teacher taught us about cyber bullying.
  • meaning of cyberbullying
  • Cyberbullying is using technology to bully or hurt someone else.
  • What does this include?
  • ways of cyberbullying
  • Cyber bullying includes:sending hurtful/ nasty messages. Humiliating others by embarrassing them. Spreading rumors or lies online. And repeated harassment messages.
  • How can we protect ourselves from cyber bullying?
  • Ali and Qusai were sitting and talking. Ali told Qusai about what his teacher taught him.
  • how to protect yourself from cyberbullying
  • Ali explained the meaning of cyberbullying.
  • how to protect yourself from cyberbullying
  • 1) Always think before you post and be kind. 
  • 2) keep your passwords a secret from other kids. Let your parents have your passwords.3) Tell your parents what you are doing online, and listen to your parents advice.4) Talk to a parent, teacher, or any adult you trust if someone is cyberbullying you.
  • Thank you for the information!
  • Qusai asked Ali about ways of cyberbullying, and Ali explained. 
  • The end
  • You are welcome. Be safe!
  • Qusai then asked Ali how can he be protected from cyber bullying.
  • And Ali explained..
  • Qusai thanked Ali for the information he shared with him.
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu