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Unknown Story

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Unknown Story
Storyboard That

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Öykü Penceresi Metni

  • I think we should have a new law for what type of vehicles normal citizens should have.
  • I think that would be a great idea.
  • This is the step where the bill would be introduced.
  • This is the step where the bill is sent to committee.
  • This is the step where the bill needs to get 218/435 votes for it to pass from the House of representatives.
  • This is the step where the bill needs 51/100 votes from the senate.
  • This is the step where the bill goes to the confrence committee to be passed.
  • This is the step where the bill needs to be signed or vetoed by the president.
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu