The cell cycle with Alissa and Julie Pt 2

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The cell cycle with Alissa and Julie Pt 2
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  • Oh, thank you so much Mrs. Alex!
  • Of course I can help her study! How about we start right now?
  • Remember Test Tomorrow!
  • Mrs. Alex, my friend Alissa, needs help studying the cell cycle for her test, could you help her study?
  • Sure!
  • Remember Test Tomorrow!
  • All right, why don't we go on to the next room to study?
  • Cool!
  • This is the success center, where we help students with studying struggles.
  • Close, they're are 6
  • Let's start with this question, how many stages does the cell cycle have?
  • 5?
  • Teacher: Let's review them all
  • Interphase 
  • prophase 
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu