Unknown Story

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Unknown Story
Storyboard That

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Öykü Penceresi Metni

  • While Edgar is sleeping he hears this sound coming from his front door. When he goes to the door there is noone there.
  • What is that sound I hear coming from the front door?
  • He keeps hearing is weird sound and out of nowhere a raven comes flying through the window.
  • What is the sound I keep hearing? What is this raven doing in my room?
  • Mark Twain starts to have a normal conversation with the bird and all the bird will say is nevermore.
  • How have you been to day raven?
  • Nevermore
  • Finally Mark starts to ask the bird these dark question thinking the bird will give him an answer.
  • Wait do you know what has happen to my wife?
  • Nevermore
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu