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French & Indian War

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French & Indian War
Storyboard That

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  • Place taxes on the American colonies, we need to pay our debts from the war.
  • Yes, Your Majesty
  • Your majesty of Great Britain has decided to place the following taxes on you colonists. Consequences will come if you don't follow them.
  • WHAT?!
  • I agree, I'm tired of the king!
  • Calm down gentlemen.
  • The king keeps to many taxes. I'M TIRED OF IT! We managed to shake off a few but there are still a lot of taxes that some f us can't pay.
  • I think we should have more freedom.
  • Months Later...
  • I mean, we do have a chance..
  • We would need a lot of supplies.. hmm.. does everyone agree?
  • Why don't we start a revolution and break up with Great Britain?
  • isn't that a bit daring?
  • I guess we could do it. I agree!!!
  • I'm not sure... fine I agree.
  • Great the, first we must create a document that guarantees and outlines
  • I suppose I agree too..
  • Yes!! I agree!
  • I finished the Declaration of Independence.
  • We are holding back the British better than i expected!
  • Well done gentlemen's!
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu