Ch.17-19 Villavicnecio

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Ch.17-19 Villavicnecio
Storyboard That

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Öykü Penceresi Metni

  • Kenny trying try to per sway him into believing him.
  • Chapter 17
  • Max :I know he's lying because I've changed
  • Kenny: I don't want you eating that Pizza if Loretta touched it.
  • Max : I'm not happy I have to eat corn flakes with water because everything has gone bad.I wish I could eat the pizza Loretta brought.
  • Chapter 18 Sharing a Christmas dinner together talking about future.
  • That cops might come to every door at that the old lady's place that's why we had to leave I can't be found.
  • Chapter 19
  • Dad this is insane UN tie me
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu