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the disatisfied frog

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the disatisfied frog
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  • Oh I wish I could be more powerful like the frog 
  • There once was a bee who was very dissatisfied with his power he was sick of being bullied and eaten by he frogs. one night he wished that he could become a frog to have more power
  • The bee then turned into a frog. Th frog thought to himself "I must be the most powerful animal in the world" just as he finished his thought a hawk swooped down and ate a frog. The Frog now dissatisfied with his power wished to be a hawk
  • The hawk felt very powerful he was flying around and eating mice but just as he tired to fly to a new area he was held back by a rope tied to his foot. he looked back and saw that the sting lead to a man.
  • The man pulled the hawk to his arms and the hawk the felt dissatisfied with his power. he then wished that he could be a human the most powerful of them all of so he thought
  • The hawk who had turned into man now felt as if he was the most powerful being in the world as felt like nothing could hurt him
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu