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Unknown Story

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Unknown Story
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Öykü Penceresi Metni

  • exposition
  • rising action
  • climax
  • Ellie and his family live in the town of Sighet, Hungarian, Transylvania. Ellie is studying jewish mysticism when his master Moche the beadle warns them about concntration camps.
  • falling action
  • Eliezer and his father are continuing to travel from concentration camp to concentration camp.
  • resolution
  • A man came up to Eliezer and his father during roll call and claimed he was a relative of theirs. but Eliezers father doesn't recognize him.
  • conflict
  • Eliezer and his father were singing songs and Eliezer was wondering where his mother and his sister, Tzipora was. His father told him they both had to go to a concentration camps.
  • at the end of four hours, they reached their new camp, "Buna".
  • Eliezer's struggles with Nazi persecution, and with his own faith in God and humanity.
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu