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  • Look at these two earths, the dry, ruined and lifeless earth on the left and the rich, healthy, and livable one on the right. Which earth would you choose to live on.
  • Before you make your decision, just keep in mind that the dry, ruined and lifeless earth on the left is not a fantasy. This will be our new earth if we continue to let invasive species destroy our planet. Help save our planet, Today I am going to talk about invasive species and why they are killing our home and our planet.
  • Invasive species have been invading countries all over the world for over 4,000 years, and are not taking any breaks, and neither should we. Invasive species must seem like innocents animals, but they cause more destruction to the planet than you think.
  • Invasive species vary land animals and water creatures too.
  • Now, you all might be confused, what exactly ARE invasive species. Well, invasive species are animals that were forced to flee from their country due to habitat loss or human activity, or these species had gotten lost and ended up in another country which they start to invaded and destroy
  • Invasive species have been around for a long time, but have not just appeared in thin air, they had been provoked and caused by humanity activity, yes I know, WE caused these species to start invading. Us humans have started global warming by using fossil fuels and greenhouse gasses, us humans have thrown garbage everywhere and us humans....have littered and ruined these innocent, beautiful creatures' homes
  • You may think that these species are harmless, but let me talk to you about some consequences. Scientists and environmental experts at say that invasive species are causing many problems to our ecosystem and food chain, for example these species tend to eat all the food in a habitat, which causes animals to die out from food shortage. When there are no animals it causes, us humans to go hungry and starve all because of these species which we unleashed. These animals also tend to eat thousands of crops each year, and cause soil erosion that choke and make all plants die out. These animals cause these problems as they are not scientifically native to that country, and tend to not be able to adapt as well.
  • People from all over the world must recognize this growing issue because if they are unaware of these species and their harmful ways they will be unprepared to take action when the citizens of countries from all over the world start to notice severe environmental damage.
  • Invasive species and their harms should be advertised about, as most countries get their food from plants, and if these species are near the crops, they can spread diseases to these crops. More people also must know that invasive species are dangerous and can harm humans. Environmental scientists at www.caryinstitute.orgsay that statistics show that about 20,000 people are killed by diseases that were started BY invasive species.
  • Now, this problem isn't impossible to solve, all the world needs is YOUR help... for example some NGO's and governmental organization such as the CBSA in Canada is checking for invasive species travelling amongst citizens, which helps try and ensure that invasive species stay in their OWN habitat
  • Now that I have told some things Canada has implemented when trying to stop these invading species, now, what can YOU all do? Honestly, it is so simple, people should have started using these rules years ago, but it is never too late!
  • Some simple things YOU and your family can do is too check under your shoes for organisms or small invasive plants and remove them before travelling to another park or neighborhood, if you parents have a boat tell them to check inside and/or the bottom of the boat for any invasive animals hiding and remove them before travelling to another body of water, to stop these species from spreading. You can also raise awareness about these species in your neighborhood and try and join small NGO's to put a small change that will grow bigger day by day. Lastly, and the simplest thing YOU can do is to research and report invasive species when you see one to your local invasive species agency.
  • So let me ask you again, Look at these two earths, the dry, ruined and lifeless earth on the left and the rich, healthy, and livable one on the right. Which earth would you choose to live on? I hope you chose the one on the right, because that is our reality right now, lets not make it a fantasy, save our earth....STOP INVASIVE SPECIES!
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu