timeline mvp1 onboarding

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timeline mvp1 onboarding
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Öykü Penceresi Metni

  • Oh it's time to do Ben's tax return...I never know where I am in the process
  • Hang on...what's this?! I've just clicked on create tax return?! What's this timeline business?
  • And I can access this online too? Not just from within Central?! Lets fire up the timeline and see how it works...
  • What's this show timeline? Let me click on it and see what happens!...
  • WOW look a timeline...and it shows what me and Ben have to do and by what date!
  • For the first time I know where I am and what I'm doing...what a great user experience!
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu