Mummies and Pyramids

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Mummies and Pyramids
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Öykü Açıklama

What did the ancient Egyptians believe about the afterlife? Mummies & Pyramids are fascinating to study - bring them to life with visuals!

Öykü Penceresi Metni

  • Why did Egyptians create mummies?
  • Secret Archives
  • Why did Egyptians create pyramids?
  • King's burial chamber
  • Grand gallery
  • Ancient Egyptians believed that the physical body would be important in the next life. Mummification allowed the body to stay intact so the soul could return to it.
  • Queen's burial chamber
  • Because Egyptians believed that their Pharaohs ruled even after their deaths, their tombs were elaborate structures. Old Kingdom Egypt was a time of intense pyramid building.
  • Secondary chamber
  • How did Egyptians create mummies?
  • The Afterlife: Mummies and Pyramids
  • How did Egyptians build pyramids?
  • The Egyptians used natron (a naturally occurring salt mixture) to dehydrate the body. Oils, resins, and bituman (asphalt) were used to preserve the body.
  • Pyramid builders were mostly peasants who worked for the state when the Nile was in its annual flood. Limestone was the main building material, with some blocks weighing 15 tons.
  • Honor your Pharaoh and build!

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30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu