Romeo and Juliet

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Romeo and Juliet
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Juliet and the Friar

Öykü Penceresi Metni

  • There is no hope, no remedy!
  • I have heard that you'll marry Count Paris.
  • How can I prevent it? Help me! If you don't help me I'll kill myself.
  • Don't worry! There is some hope.
  • I prefer to jump from a bridge than marry Count Paris.
  • Calm down, go home and be happy. Tell your parents that you will marry Paris. Tonight stay alone.
  • Juliet is in despair
  • Take this vial. You will fall asleep and you will seem dead.
  • Friar Lawrence's hope
  • Give it to me immediately!
  • You will wake up after 42 hours and find Romeo next you
  • Juliet doesn't want to marry Count Paris
  • Love will give me strength!
  • Be strong! Take it! I will go to Mantua and inform Romeo.
  • A remedy: the vial
  • Juliet accepts
  • The strength of love
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu