Malala's speech scene

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Malala's speech scene
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  • Hello, Your speech about the Tali Master really inspired me tonight.
  • We’re actually scientists who are trying to figure out a way to stop the Tali Master from spreading his thoughts through a certain creation. Your speech really inspired us to work even harder.
  • Thank you. I'm determined to take him down and it’s the people like you that give me hope. I’m glad that we can inspire one another. I can’t wait to see how your creation makes an impact.
  • Thank you. We'll Invite you over to show our work sometime.
  • When he discovered the Taliban he finally felt like he found his people. He worked with them to try and convince everyone to have the same beliefs as he does. He is still trying and is currently in India convincing the leaders with his mind controlling abilities. I will NOT stand for this! Neither should you. What do you say New York science committee? It’s time to fight for what’s right!
  • That would be lovely
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu