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the french reveloution

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the french reveloution
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  • The french revolution 
  • Right, we need to fight for our rights.
  • The social class is unfair.
  • The third estate is demanding for their rights
  • we need to do something!
  • the bourgeoisie has to pay.
  • We want our rights!
  • We demand a new constitution!
  • Lets get us some weapons!
  • before the revolution, the social class was divided into three estates; clergy, nobility, and the towns people. The four main causes of the french revolution are social inequalities, enlightenment ideas, taxes, and absolute monarchy.
  • Declaration of the rights of man
  • France was spending too much money on palaces, extravagant parties, wars, and a bad harvest caused prices to go up. Therefore, king Louis XVI decided to raise taxes on the third estate which made them angry.
  • We demand women's rights!
  • The king realized he could no longer handle the financial crisis situation himself so he decided to call a meeting of the Estates- general. the kings rarely called an Estates-general meeting because they did not want to weaken their power.
  • Death to the King!
  • Because the bourgeoisie had to pay they became angry and it led to the revolution, and they created a national assembly to represent the needs of the people and demanded the king to begin taxing the first and second estate.
  • The third Estate, or the national assembly, met at a tennis court to discuss their rights because they were upset about their living conditions, they decided they'd draft a constitution that is known as the tennis court oath which declared the rights of man.
  • As the National Assembly works on a constitution, rumors spread that the kings troops would occupy the city of Paris. Parisians stormed the Bastille looking for weapons. The storming of the Bastille was the official start of the french revolution. After the storming the National Assembly passed the deceleration of the rights of man and the citizen
  • Modeled after the American Declaration of Independence, the document states that, "All men were born and remain free and equal in rights." They enjoy natural rights " to liberty, property, security and resistance to oppression." All french men are equal before the law. Government exists to protect the natural rights of the citizen.
  • Angry with the slow change, and the continued food shortages, the women of pairs march to Versailles in October. They demanded to see and be heard by the king as they were seeking a solution to feed their families.
  • Shortly after the constitution is passed, King Louis attempts to flee France with his family to Russia. They are caught and tried as traitors to France. They are sentenced to death.
  • After the constitution went into affect, inflation occurred. Radicals also created the National convention which extended suffrage. The republic ruthlessly killed its opponents using guillotine, most were peasants involved in riots against the republic.
  • In 1795, the Directory appeared. This is the new constitution with republican government. Directory failed to deal with inflation, food shortages, and corruption, so in 1799, a soldier named Napoleon Bonaparte got rid of the directory and gained power in France.
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu