User Scenario for BrickTalk

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User Scenario for BrickTalk
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  • The software development team at a tech startup in a small Seattle office that develops accounting software is taking a break after finishing a 10 hour long debugging marathon.
  • Suddenly the CEO of the company appears looking stressed and annoyed and points them to the conference room immediately.
  • The developers get into the conference room and look at the conference screen which has a webcam of a person on it. No one recognizes the person, but they recognize the app that the CEO is using. It's called 'BrickTalk'
  • One of the other team members says that they're familiar with the bug and thought they had fixed it.
  • The interpreter (based on the CEO's signs) states that they need to look into this issue right now or risk losing all of these clients.
  • The CEO disconnects the call and the team leaves to go fix the bug knowing that they can't lose the clients.
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu