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Personal & General Space in Dance

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Personal & General Space in Dance
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  • Good Day Students, Today we will discuss two types of Spaces. Personal Space and General Space
  • We're excited Miss Cara!
  • Personal space is that area directly around you. Imagine a circle drawn around you or think of that area around your own body.
  • Students, can you think of movements you can create in your personal Space?
  • I can Jump on spot Miss!
  • Sure Miss Cara, A dancer can stretch.
  • You can turn or spin in your personal space.
  • Very good Students! So now, let's discuss General Space. This space is the surrounding space, the area you are moving around in.Students can I have two volunteers to demonstrate movements that can be done using your General space?
  • I want to try!
  • Me, Miss!
  • Ana, lets observe the movements that your classmate is demonstrating.
  • I'm leaping!
  • I'm going to Spin forward.
  • Lets Recap students! What is the difference between Personal Space and General Space?
  • Personal Space is the space that is around you and General Space is the larger area surrounding you.
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu