Unknown Story

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Unknown Story
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  • Brutus struggles to get much sleep since Cassius turned him against Caesar has never displayed wanting to be king, but he has the potential. Brutus concludes Caesar is a serpent and he must be killed.
  • We must kill the serpent while he is still in the shell.
  • Cassius and the conspirators arrive at the house of Brutus unannounced. Only Cassius shows his face. Brutus welcomes all of the inside.
  • Do I know these men?
  • Yes, everyone of them.
  • They all agree that Caesar must be killed in order to save Rome from a king. Cassius proposes an oath should be taken but Brutus denies this.
  • Not a resolution, if the suffering of Romans and corruption of the state are not a good reason to kill, we should break all ties.
  • And let us swear our resolution.
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu