Zlateh the Keat - Tema

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Zlateh the Keat - Tema
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Keçi Zlateh Ders Planları

Islat Bashevis'ten Keçi Zlateh'i Singer

Elizabeth Pedro'dan Ders Planları

Isaac Bashevis Singer'ın bu kısa öyküsü “Keçi Zlateh”, insanlarla hayvanlar arasında meydana gelen yakın, güvene dayalı ilişkiyi ortaya koyuyor.

Keçi Zlateh

Öykü Açıklama

Keçi Teması Zlateh

Öykü Penceresi Metni

  • Village Butcher
  • “Zlateh trusted human beings. She knew that they always fed her and never did her any harm.”
  • “She didn’t ask any questions even though she had an uncomfortable feeling of where Aaron was taking her.”
  • “Zlateh’s bleating began to sound like crying. Those humans in whom she had so much confidence had dragged her into a trap."
30 Milyondan Fazla Storyboard Oluşturuldu