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  • Mine Storyboards


Studerende er nødt til at erkende, at vores ord har konsekvenser. Når ofrene mobbes, oplever de frygt, angst og nedsat selvtillid. Dette kan føre til, at ofrene ændrer deres adfærd og interesser for at sikre sig, at de er i en sikker situation. Ofte ender dette med isolering og tab af tidligere interesser, såsom sport, klubber, socialt samvær. Dette kan også føre til mere ekstreme resultater. Når ofre føler, at de ikke bliver accepteret, kan de udvikle farlige vaner for at hjælpe med at tackle denne stress. Dette kan manifestere sig som afhængighed, en spiseforstyrrelse eller endda selvskade.

I denne aktivitet opretter de studerende en tidslinje for et offer for mobning. Aktiviteter som dem, der vises, kan hjælpe eleverne med at visualisere virkningen af deres ord ved at hjælpe dem til at tænke, før de taler. Målet med denne aktivitet er at forhindre mobning. Når eleverne har afsluttet deres arbejde, skal du diskutere, hvordan den langsigtede virkning kan fortsætte til voksen alder.

Skabelon og Klasse Instruktioner

(Disse instruktioner kan tilpasses fuldstændigt. Når du har klikket på "Kopiér aktivitet", skal du opdatere instruktionerne på fanen Rediger i opgaven.)


Opret et storyboard, der viser virkningen af at være et mobbeoffer både på kort og lang sigt.

  1. Klik på "Start tildeling.
  2. Opret en tre-celle tidslinje med datoer.
  3. Opret et eksempel på mobning i den første celle.
  4. Opret i det andet celle et billede af, hvordan det har påvirket offeret på kort sigt.
  5. Opret i det tredje celle et billede af, hvordan det har påvirket offeret på lang sigt.
  6. Gem og send opgaven.

Lektionsplan Reference


(Du kan også oprette din egen på Quick Rubric.)

Timeline of a Victim
Students will be create a storyboard timeline showing the effects of bullying long/short term.
Proficient Emerging Beginning
The student was able to create a timeline storyboard that included three cells with titles and dates.
The student was able to create a timeline storyboard that included two of the three cells with titles and dates.
The student was unable to create a timeline storyboard that included three cells with titles and dates or the storyboard is unfinished.
Bullying Incident
The bullying incident cell was clearly labeled for the reader. The content in the cell depicted a realistic and appropriate story that included an effective scene, character(s), and text.
The bullying incident cell was clearly labeled for the reader. The cell could have included a more effective scene, character(s), and text.
Either the bullying incident was not labeled, the story's bullying scene, character(s), and text were inappropriate, or the cell was unfinished.
Short-Term Effect
The short-term effect cell was clearly labeled for the reader. The content in the cells depicted a realistic short-term outcome that included an effective scene, character(s), and text to help show the impact from the bullying.
The short-term effect cell was clearly labeled for the reader. The cell could have included a more effective scene, character(s), and text.
Either the short-term effect was not labeled and the cell had a scene, character(s), or text that was inappropriate, or the cell was unfinished.
Long-Term Effect
The long-term effect cell was clearly labeled for the reader. The content in the cells depicted a realistic long-term outcome included an effective scene, character(s), and text to help show the impact from the bullying.
The long-term effect cell was clearly labeled for the reader. The cell could have included a more effective scene, character(s), and text.
Either the long-term effect was not labeled and the cell had a scene, character(s), or text that was inappropriate, or the cell was unfinished.
Use of Conventions
There are few to no grammar or spelling mistakes.
There are some grammar or spelling mistakes but understanding of refusal is clear.
There are too many grammar or spelling mistakes creating an unclear understanding of content.

*(Dette vil starte en 2 ugers gratis prøveperiode - ingen kreditkort nødvendig)
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