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Seeing Eye to Eye Lesson Plans

“Seeing Eye to Eye” begins with a falcon spotting a mouse in the grass. The mouse realizes he is in danger and will use his eyes to find a safe place to hide.

Working together, the eyes and brains of animals and people use surrounding light to see their environment. Light can come from several sources and is able to reflect or bounce off objects. After the light reflects off an object, some of the light travels into the cornea at the front of the eyeball. The cornea refracts, or bends, the light, directing it to the pupil. The light enters the pupil and passes through the lens, which bends the light again, allowing for a more focused image. The image then appears on the retina, but it is upside down. The brain works to flip the image right-side up.

Student Activities for Seeing Eye to Eye

Essential Questions for "Seeing Eye to Eye"

  1. How is the article both entertaining and informative?
  2. How does the eyeball work in interesting and unique ways?

Image Attributions
  • Eye • wwarby • License Attribution (
  • In search of the Maltese Falcon #14- Bald Eagle, Malta Falconry Centre • foxypar4 • License Attribution (
  • Innocent eyes • Pai Shih • License Attribution (
  • Reading • Wiertz Sébastien • License Attribution (
  • Sea Eagle with no Fish! • Wildlife Boy1 • License Attribution (
  • Tim.jpg • mark.pattersonII • License Attribution (
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