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Interest groups vs Political parties Project

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Interest groups vs Political parties Project
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  • Political parties are teams of people who seek control of the governing apparatus by gaining office in a duly constituted election. The purpose is to make teams of people who have common interests and a common goal for what they want the government to look like.
  • The Purpose of Political Parties
  • Strategies of Political Parties
  • Education:Education influences political parties because typically the older the voter is and the more education they have, then they are more likely to vote. Political parties can use this to adjust their reach and appeal to certain demographics.
  • Nominate Candidates:Political parties use nominating candidates as a political strategy because they will nominate the person who best represents their views and will take the best approach to certain issue, but also someone who will appeal best to the public.
  • Media:Political parties use the media to influence voters on their issues. The media make it really easy to push a certain view and opinion, so the political parties use that to their advantage when sharing certain information at a time.
  • Political Parties AddressingEnvironmental Policy
  • Political Parties use all three strategies when addressing certain issues. When addressing environmental policy a political party might use the education of their voters to their advantage by appealing to a certain demographic that cares more about the environment. Parties may also select their nominee with certain issues in mind and pick the one who is best to appeal to the voters and get the most votes. For the environmental policy parties would nominate a candidate who appeal to the peoples views on the environment. When using media to address environmental policy political parties would take their side of the issue and publicize it with bias to their side however they won’t be as focused on the certain issue that an environmental policy interest group may be.
  • The Purpose of Interest Groups
  • The purpose of interest groups is to have a group of people who all have the same interests and are devoted to that one interest or issue. Interest groups differ from political parties because they focus on one thing rather than looking at the all the political issues as a whole. Like political parties, interest groups are focused on getting their influence into government. Interest groups use different strategies to influence govt, such as lobbying, education, and PACs.
  • Strategies of Interest Groups
  • EducationInterest groups also use education to their advantage. An interest group may select someone with a high education of their interest to lead or speak to a major political leader.
  • Lobbying One of the most common tecniques used by interest groups is lobbying. Lobbyists are the face of the interest groups and they are the ones who try to influence political leaders and get there views across to government
  • Interest Groups AddressingEnvironmental Policy
  • Interest groups differ from political parties in that they focus on one issue and the opinions of that issue come form the group itself. When addressing the issue of Environmental policy Intrest groups would have only one opinion and try to influence the government based on their opinion. Interest groups would use lobbying to do this by speaking directly with a important member of government whom they think will help get the opinion across. Interst groups also use education as a strategy by having people with great education on the topic of environmental policy. An interest group who is looking to change environmental policy might even turn to PACs in order to fund and influence the people who have a say in government.
  • PACsInterest groups may also use PACs as a strategy. PACs are used by corporations to donate money to candidates. They are often picky about who gets money.
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