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French and Indian War

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French and Indian War
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • The French and Indian War
  • What was the French and Indian War?
  • Who fought in the French And Indian War?
  • A short comic strip about the French and Indian war
  • When was the French and Indian war?
  • The French and Indian war was a 7 year war fought by France and England over territory in the New World
  • Where was the war primarily fought?
  • Both the English and the French fought in the war. Both sides were accompanied by Native Americans.
  • Why were the British able to win the war?
  • The French and Indian war started in 1756, and was ended in 1763.
  • The French and Indian War was mostly fought between New France and the British Colonies.
  • The British troops managed to capture huge parts of Canada, eventually overwhelming the French into signing a peace treaty.
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