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The giver

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The giver
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Dream telling
  • Jonas up on stage at the Ceremony of Twelve
  • For receiver of memory we chose Jonas
  • Jonas meeting The Giver for the first time and gets his first memory
  • I thought there was only such thing as the rule book.
  • Hello.
  • I'm going to give you your first memory.
  • Every family unit in the mornings shares their dreams from the night before. They talk about how they felt about their dream. After, the others in the family unit try to figure out what caused the dream to try and make them feel better.
  • Jonas watches his dad kill the twin
  • It's okay this will only take a second.Then bye bye with you.
  • At the ceremony of twelve Jonas's number got skipped. This made everyone feel uneasy because everything usually is the same and in the correct order. Jonas ended up getting Receiver of Memory as his job. Jonas was very confused as the elder person said this is a respected job, very important, but there would be pain.
  • Jonas leaves the community
  • Jonas meets The Giver for the first time. He sees things he doesn't usually see or have never seen, like many kinds of books. The Giver also gives Jonas his first memory. The memory he his given is of a sled ride in snow. Jonas has never seen snow before so he is amused.
  • The mysterious ending
  • Jonas's dad kills a baby. In the community they aren't taught to feel emotions. He is taught to do his job which includes killing people that don't belong there like the twin. Jonas gets really mad that his father would kill a baby or a person in other cases. But Jonas is reminded he wasn't taught to feel.
  • Jonas leaves the community so he can give his memories to the rest of the community. The night before he finds out that Gabriel, a baby who was having trouble so brought to his family unit, with him because he was going to be killed. Jonas wanted everyone to feel the memories and have emotions.
  • Goodbye everyone
  • The end of The Giver is a mysterious. Jonas has been traveling for a long time in snow so Gabriel and him are freezing. Jonas find a sled so they go down the hill. On their way down Jonas hears a wonderful sound and singing. He heard music. Nobody knows if they died or stayed alive.
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