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إنشاء القصة المصورة الخاصة بك

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نص القصة المصورة

  • you cant leave yet. you haven't taught your lesson yet. just wait a little longer Cynthia.
  • Things TO Do: Pick up Lyla from the babysitter. pump, call Lyla's dad and hope he can take care of her. I wish i was able to afford day care. I wish Lyla was old enough for CSUN's day care.
  • what are you doing here? Why are you doing this? Your daughter needs you more. - mom guilt 
  • I really need to pump now. My pumping schedule is already off and my milk supply is already low. My baby needs her milk.
  • I hope the babysitter can take care of Lyla tomorrow. What am i going to do if she can't? should i call out? I can technically miss 3 days of student teaching
  • Great my bungalow door was actually opened for me today. I can just pump now.
  • can't they read the sign?! I am pumping!!!
  • I need to call the babysitter to check up on Lyla. ... great she did not answer. Is Lyla okay?
  • Cynthia you need to pump soon! And Lyla needs a diaper change. 
  • does Lyla even love me? I feel so guilty.
  • I have a lot of assignments due. I can't do this. I NEED HELP. Lyla, mommy loves you so much. Mommy is so sorry she can't play with you right now. 
  • Why don't you just give up? Your baby needs you!
  • Cynthia, You can not give up. Mujer you've said it yourself... you have worked so hard. You don't sleep you are still breastfeeding, you are taking 24 units you always manage to make it happen. You cant give up now!!! listen to me Cynthia You can do it! Bring me LYLA I'll take care of her.
  • Hey Diane, I really cant seem to finish this assignment. I know that if i don't turn it in i wont be able to get credit for this class. I have worked so hard. I sacrificed time with my daughter Lyla. I have given up on her first couple month of life. I HAVE COME THIS FAR AND YET I CANT SEEM TO FEEL ANYTHING. I feel numb. I just look at Lyla and feel so guilty. She's my first daughter this isn't what i ENVISION IT TO BE LIKE
  • I am so stress out! I don't think I want to do this. I am going to drop out! I need help please someone help me!!!!! I am feeling so anxious! I am so sad, scared, and I just want to give up! I don't want to do this anymore. I am not smart enough! Everyone else seems to understand this.
  • You taught your lesson now. You asked for help and Diane was able to help you!  Yes assignments take you longer than expected, you cried and felt so small, but look at you. You turn in that assignment. ONE DAY AT A TIME.
  • Keep going... you got this. Lyla will always love you no matter what.
  • You made it through last night. You turned in your assignment. You were able to get a different babysitter.
  • Be kind to yourself
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