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Miranda vs Arizona

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Miranda vs Arizona
Storyboard That

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جربه مجانا!

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جربه مجانا!

نص القصة المصورة

  •  He appealed to the Arizona Supreme Court, claiming that the police had unconstitutionally obtained his confession. The court disagreed, however, and upheld the conviction
  •  Hi I’m Michael Ortega, your local attourney. There’s many things cops get away with because you don’t know your rights. Take Ernesto Miranda for example.
  •  During the two-hour interrogation, Miranda allegedly confessed to committing the crimes, which the police apparently recorded.
  •  But unfortunately, Miranda was not informed of his rights prior to the police interrogation.
  •  Ernesto was to be charged with rape, kidnapping, and robbery.
  •  The Supreme Court ruled that the prosecution could not introduce Miranda's confession as evidence in a criminal trial because the police had failed to first inform Miranda of his right to an attorney and against self-incrimination
  •  Instead of going through this long process like Miranda, my fellow attorneys and I can nip that in the bud asap! Remember your rights are important and are a form of protection for civilians. Don’t let them take advantage ! Call 1-800-899-8999 for help now
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