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Types of Conflict in Lyddie

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Types of Conflict in Lyddie
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Person VS. Nature
  • Everybody go to the attic to be safe from the bear.
  • Person VS. Society
  • HI
  • Person VS. Person
  • In this scene, a bear comes into Lyddie's cabin to eat the oatmeal and destroys a lot of things in the cabin. This is a Person vs. Nature conflict because the conflict is between Lyddie and the bear. ( The bear is Nature and Lyddie is the person.)
  • In this scene, Lyddie comes into her cabin after a long time and finds herself face to face with a man. The man's name is Ezekial he is a runaway slave trying to get freedom so he wants to go to Canada. This is a Person vs. Society because Ezekial is going against society because everyone judges him.
  • In this scene, Betsy and Amelia are fighting over signing the petition for fewer working hours and a little more pay. Amelia doesn't want Betsy to sign the petition because she will lose her job if she signs and she might get blacklisted.
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