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نص القصة المصورة

  • Josia came every day to the NBA games with his parents to watch s favorite player Lebron andexcite himself in the sport of basketball.
  • Josia dreamed of becoming a basketball all star and becoming part of the sport he has loved since his fatherbrang him to his first game at the age of two.He was to practice and learn.
  • With love, his father began taking him every day to the park and was his life and soul
  • Thank you. I love you so much. I will do anything to play the sport I love.
  • Son, I will practice every day with you so you can be the next Lebron .
  • One day at the park, Josia came alone to the park in the rain to practice after school, not knowing people were ganging up on him
  • One day i'm gonna teach them
  • Quit basketball kid you'll never be good
  • Josia kept practicing and improving to prove his bullies wrong. Throughout the years he learned and played the sport better than anyone else.
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