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India Caste System Storyboard

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India Caste System Storyboard
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نص القصة المصورة

  • India Caste System Storyboard
  • brahmin are the highest rank in the caste system the brahmins are the priests, teachers and the intellectuals
  • brahmin
  • Sudra
  • brahmins 
  • Kshatriya is the second highest rank in the caste system the people who are a part of this are warriors or rulers
  • Untouchables
  • Kshatriya
  • The Viashya are the 3rd in the caste system these are the merchants or the land owners
  • viasya
  • The Sudra are the 4th on the caste system containing the commoners, peasants, and the servants
  • The untouchables are not a part of the caste system really but they are like the 5th part of the caste system they are they poor section 
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