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The Scarlet Letter Chapter Two

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The Scarlet Letter Chapter Two
Storyboard That

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القصة المصورة الوصف

DC English 12 Assignment

نص القصة المصورة

  • The people of Boston were gathered one morning at the prison, watching for the condemned person inside.
  • The good women of the town were discussing the condemned person's punishment.
  • Their women and daughters are going to know no better than to do what she has done!
  • Our leaders were very merciful to her, had we been her judges she would be killed!
  • When the woman named Hester Prynne was led out of the prison by the beadle, the people stared and continued to whisper about her.
  • Even though Hester was a very beautiful woman, the colony's eyes were fixed on Hester's bosom, which held an ornate scarlet letter A.
  • See how beautiful she has made it, and how arrogantly she walks! We should strip her and give her an ugly A that would better fit her!
  • Make way make way! A blessing on this righteous Massachusetts Colony! Mistress Prynne will be put on display in the main square till an hour past noon!
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