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The Boston Massacre

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The Boston Massacre
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • In 1770 it was a rainy night in Boston, Massachusetts. There was once a standoff between the British soldiers and the English colonists. While in the standoff, there was also a little boy. The little boy unfortunately got killed in the standoff.
  • Get out of here!
  • Colonists are very upset and would like to revolt.
  • We have to do something to get rid of the British
  • Once again there is another standoff between the British and colonists
  • I am Timothy
  • While Timothy was trying to come to an agreement, the colonists start throwing snowballs and attacking them.
  • The British did not like this and were left with no other options...
  • Fire
  • Take this
  • Timothy was the first person to shoot. Now he has to go to court.
  • Honor, Timothy was just defending himself from the colonists that were rioting. They left Timothy no other choice.
  • The person defending Timothy was non other than John Adams
  • They finally decide...
  • Not guilty
  • The End
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