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Gallipoli comic

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Gallipoli comic
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • The mailman had just arrived with the conscription letter saying I had to go to war and leave my family and job behind.
  • I have arrived at training camp. I am so hot, it is very dry here.
  • We are on our way to Gallipoli. I am feeling a bit seasick and cold and I miss my family. I can't wait to get onto stable land
  • We have landed at Gallipoli. So glad to be on stable ground. There are already people falling around me.
  • The conditions are horrible. The smell of dead bodies is getting to me. I look forward to night time when it is cooler. The flies are everywhere.
  • We are finally going home. We are sneaking away to get on the boats home.
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