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Process of Assessment

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Process of Assessment
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نص القصة المصورة

  • What is assessment? Assessment is the process of gathering information that accurately reflects how well a student is achieving curriculum expectations
  • This is done by using backwards design to create the learning goals.Together we come up with success criteria and learning goals
  • What approaches can you use to complete the assignments in class.
  • As a teacher you need to collect and analyze the students work so you know where they are and where they need to be at
  • Assessment for learning: using diagnostic and formative (using questioning and giving descriptive feedback
  • Assessment for Learning continued:
  • How will you know if the strategy you are using has worked? Can you solve these questions in different ways?
  • Continues while teaching and is interactive with the teacher. Select appropriate materials and give immediate feedback and direction to students.
  • Exit Tickets
  • What did you learn today?
  • 1. Questions about a part part was confusing2. One thing you learned today3. A new word in the Math you didn't know before
  • Assessment as Learning: formative assessment that occurs frequently and ongoing during instruction with guidance from the teacher. Self-assessment as well
  • I think I did pretty good on my math assignment, but I could have used a different strategy to find the correct answer.
  • Teaches critical thinking, problem solving, and encourages the students to set achievable goals and to measure their progress
  • Assessment of Learning: Used at the end of a period of learning and could be used for further instruction
  • I will now hand out the test and you have 1 hour to complete it. If additional time is need we will continue next period.
  • This is where the summative assessment comes in. Teacher summarizes the learning at a given point. This information is used to see the quality of student learning based on success criteria
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