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Crucible Reimagining Script 3-4

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  • الانزلاق: 1
  • Well Mrs.Young it seems you are well versed on the cause of the outbreak and I applaud your research
  • Thank you Mr.Abbott
  • However, there are a few problems with your proposed solution.
  • الانزلاق: 2
  • Do you fully believe that farmers will take kindly to even more regulations, just after they had to pay for the replacement of sick birds. And, might I add, the public outlook on you and your opinions are not too favorable, so I doubt they would take much of my word for it.
  • Well Mr.Abbott, i don't believe you are as well versed in agriculture and health as i am. And today I came here with a solution that could solve the crisis, and because of the public outlook, I came to you specifically, for you to hopefully voice my opinion and solution without taking into account public reactions.
  • الانزلاق: 3
  • Well I respect your honesty Mrs.Young, and I will give your solution, whether I like it or not, some thought. Although I believe there could be some tweaks and adjustments.
  • We need to conclude this, with or without positive opinions. People will come to understand or face our decisions whether we like it or not.
  • الانزلاق: 4
  • With these adjustments, I want a positive outlook on myself and my administration. So Mrs.Young, I am asking you to step down.
  • I cant believe you
  • الانزلاق: 5
  • With someone new heading the administration, people will feel a lot more comfortable with upcoming bills, as they will be more trustful. So Mrs.Young, I'm asking you nicely, as I wish the best for our state.
  • Well Mr.Abbott, you are a fool, i will not step down, i will push my solution and you will not interfere, people will know what kind of person you are. Have a good day.
  • الانزلاق: 6
  • Well if you wish to act that way then it leaves me no choice, you won't be in administration for long Mrs.Young.
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